
Driven to distraction?!? Drivers, Road Use, Driving... and other methods of getting from A to B... a general discussion on where the presumptions of so-called 'experts' are muddle-headed and just plain wrong!

Monday 9 April 2007

Holiday Break... Easter and the weather is FINE!

The roads have been jam packed since Thursday.

The weather forecast said it there would actually be 'FINE weather for the Bank Holiday'. It was also claimed that the weather here in the UK would be better than that on the Continent... therefore many people decided to holiday at home.

[Like many people, we don't think sitting in a traffic jam heading for the coast is a fun way to spend our time... so we always stay fairly local, if not at home, on bank holidays.]

But the roads, no matter how many they build, will not get any the less clogged... and why shouldn't people aspire to drive where they want? After all they work most of the year to keep the national and local governments in luxury!

So what will happen?... more taxes to keep the 'green' lobby happy... forget the fact that those same taxes NEVER do anything to solve the problem... they just swell the coffers of whoever is collecting them [be they local or national taxes].

Just one query, will they EVER realise that this country is vastly over-populated? Just think of the water shortages... demand is never associated with increased numbers of households requiring water, it is just the same old, same old, 'cut down your personal water consumption!'

Happy Easter motoring!

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