
Driven to distraction?!? Drivers, Road Use, Driving... and other methods of getting from A to B... a general discussion on where the presumptions of so-called 'experts' are muddle-headed and just plain wrong!

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Wilderness... we should be so lucky!

Action on Wilderness... in the US needs your input.

From a UK perspective, remember that the more land which is concreted over... the more chance there is of floods - AND conversely, the more risk there is of a water-shortage for the local population.

The powers that be will never grasp these simple facts! They keep shipping in more folks like there was no tomorrow... and blame things on climate change. This is a facile way of adding more taxes and laws.

Farmers have to learn the optimum amount of 'beasts' to stock per acre to use resources to their best advantage... water, food, waste, etcetera. Maybe they could educate the politicians - but politicians, like experts, are far too clever!

The UK is vastly over-populated for the size of the country... witness the state of the roads - and the pathetic attempts by those 'in the know' of dealing with the problem. Don't drive, don't use fuel, it's bad for the environment they say.

I say overcrowded roads and traffic jams mean that motorists use more fuel. Also motorists should be taught how to drive to conserve fuel - it isn't the vehicle, in most cases, which is a gas guzzler - it's the idiot behind the wheel who thinks he's a F1 driver [in a 30 mph limit quite often] - the main problem is overcrowded roads though.

No taxes whatsoever are going to stop people driving - they need to drive in most instances. When will government realise that shopping - and travelling to a job where one has to arrive looking reasonably smart [not the windswept drowned rat look] - cannot be achieved on a bike. Or, in anywhere but a metropolis, is public transport an option.


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