Fuel Protests in the UK
Below in quotes you will find part of the email I received from the Petrol Prices website [it's easy to sign up for updates at the website] informing me of the position re the UK Fuel Protests...
"Transaction 2007, the group behind the fuel protests taking place around the country tomorrow, have said that the protests are aiming to “fire a warning shot to the government.” David Handley, spokesperson for group, warned, “it's our intention to come back in January and let's put it like this, it won't be quite as peaceful as it's going to be tomorrow.”
He continued: “we have got contingency plans for where the next stage of this will go. I'm obviously not going to discuss that because the next element has got to be a surprise. That's the only way that you'll have the impact with government to make them realise that you mean business.”"