Driven to distraction?!? Drivers, Road Use, Driving... and other methods of getting from A to B... a general discussion on where the presumptions of so-called 'experts' are muddle-headed and just plain wrong!
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Petrol Prices & Diesel Prices
An email I had from Petrol Prices website drew my attention to a petition on the price of fuel in the UK run by the Telegraph.
If you visit the Petrol Prices [link above] website, then click on 'Blog' at the top right-hand side you can access their comments and the petition. Whilst you are there on the website you could also sign up for their really useful email service which alerts you to the cheapest fuel in your area.
The following is a link which should take you directly to the...
Telegraph Petition... as long as it's still online!
Labels: diesel prices, fuel prices petition, petition, Petrol prices, Telegraph petition
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
BON VOYAGE! GOOD LUCK. And may all the anti-government GODS BE WITH YOU!
Best wishes to all the fuel protestors today.
It is their livelihood that the government is playing with. The increased amount of tax they have received from increasing fuel pricing is just a windfall they are using to fund their wars and grandiose schemes... whilst others bear the brunt of their unjust and foolhardy policies.
Our lorry drivers are at an extreme disadvantage when compared with those from any other EC country. It is totally unjust for drivers from other EC countries to come over here using their own cheap fuel and undercutting our own drivers.
Will our government see sense? I doubt it, but we can hope and pray that they will, at long last, come to their senses.
Labels: blockade, fuel prices, fuel protests, lorry blockade
Traffic 'Calming'
Traffic what?
Can anyone [excepting those who design them] explain how 'the powers that be' can have the audacity to call chicanes traffic 'calming' measures?
They could be termed a young male drivers free rally course.
They could be termed a road rage hazard.
They could be cited as a major cause for increased insurance premiums.
They could easily be cited as one of the main reasons for increased fuel consumption, and therefore as 'anti-green'.
But traffic 'calming' NEVER!
Monday, 26 May 2008
Road Tax in UK
When will our esteemed government realise that there is life outside London... and other big cities.
When you live in the country, or a small town you will need to stock up on all requisites travelling by car... you may also, horror of horror, have children or dogs to transport at the same time. A stupid smart [what a fantastic misnomer] car just will NOT cut it!
The new road tax idea is just another insult to motorists on top of all the rest.
And will they ever take on board the fact that it is THE WAY you drive which most affects petrol/diesel consumption? I suppose it is beyond their tiny city minds!
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Stop habitat destruction in Canada - petition
The Defenders Organisation is trying to get everyone who is interested in ecology, birds, wildlife, and forests in general to sign a petition online - very easy to do.
The following is a quote from an email they sent out... "One of the world’s largest intact forest ecosystems -- the breeding grounds for many of the world’s warblers, ducks and other migratory birds -- is in big trouble.
Oil and gas, timber, mining, and other industries are destroying vital habitat for birds and other wildlife in Canada’s boreal forest. We need your help to stop them."
Please click on the link above to visit their website and join in!
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Bloggers unite for human rights...
There are many great human rights organizations all over the world, but if you want to know something about Amnesty International, please visit AmnestyUSA for more information
Some of the source material provided by Amnesty for BlogCatalog can be found here... Unite-Blogcatalog - you can, obviously, write on whatever rights topic you choose, but you will nevertheless find some interesting and thought provoking material on this page.
Please think of Shi Tao and press the Chinese government to release him and others who were jailed simply for their legitimate use of the Internet. Human rights in China have been in the news, especially with the Olympic torch and Olympics this summer. Now the people of China are suffering from the earthquake and its after-effects and the destruction. Their rulers are making a better job of trying to rescue their citizens than can be said for thosse in Burma.
Our thoughts will be with all the victims.

Labels: amnesty international, china, chinese, human rights, Shi Tao