Road Tax
How many untaxed vehicles are there on our roads in the UK?
Does anybody know the answer to this question?
Furthermore, does anyone really care?
Untaxed means uninsured in most cases, and surely the insurance would be invalidated by the insurers if they found that the vehicle was untaxed at the time of an accident. Also, untaxed would, in all probability, mean that, should the vehicle require a MOT, it is probably without one! Could it be a possible death-trap?
So many innocent lives are snuffed out by drivers without tax or insurance. So many people are also injured. So many people have their vehicles damaged or written off, and then have to claim on their own insurance, and therefore lose their no-claims bonus or allowance.
This is a big financial loss and all through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN.
Isn't it long since time that officialdom did something useful for once and addressed this problem as a matter of urgency?
Anyone got any ideas on how to get this moving?
Government seems to be immune to public opinion and public petitions with thousands of names on are completely ignored... so something radical needs to be done.