Miles, miles, and more MILES
Within the United Kingdom we use miles for our maps, miles for our signposts and road and traffic marking [as in miles per hour], and miles to describe the distance from one city to another.
That is my opinion. Just consider for a moment the chaos and the cost involved if we were to change! The general public, taxpayers, would have to pay this unnecessary and enormous bill.
If this is the case, then why, oh why do we have to put up with television programmes being ruined by the fact that distances are portrayed in kilometres? As far as I am concerned, I either have to try and convert the distance back to our proper format [which makes one lose the thread of the programme] or just ignore distances... and become INFURIATED.
I have experienced this annoying phenomenon on all our terrestrial channels.
All comments would be greatly appreciated... is there anyone out there who would like to get a campaign going?

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