
Driven to distraction?!? Drivers, Road Use, Driving... and other methods of getting from A to B... a general discussion on where the presumptions of so-called 'experts' are muddle-headed and just plain wrong!

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Prime Minister... Gordon Brown

Let's hope this day brings a new sanity to Government policies!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Prime Minister...

Will a new Prime Minister in the UK herald the beginning of a new era?

Thoughts, please!

Monday, 25 June 2007

How to make 'easy' money whilst being... Driven to distraction!?!

The real 'raison d'etre' for this blog is summed up within the following quote...
"Driven to distraction?!? Drivers, Road Use, Driving... and other methods of getting from A to B... a general discussion on where the presumptions of so-called 'experts' are muddle-headed and just plain wrong!"

Today, though, I have found a new idea [for me] "How to make 'easy' money whilst being... Driven to distraction".

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Tuesday, 19 June 2007

The new Craze

The new craze! If they are crazy enough for this... they should not be allowed to have a driving licence!

Take it away, and only reinstate it once they have taken another test... plus some kind of extra mental suitability test should be imposed.

Some youngsters are responsible. Others aren't responsible enough to be allowed the privilege of obtaining a driving licence.

How can it be discovered 'who is who' and 'which is which'? This question needs some serious consideration.

The responsible shouldn't be penalised, the irresponsible should never be allowed to drive!

A driving licence puts one in charge of a lethal weapon.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Clamping and Clampers

I reckon we have a highly controversial subject here... Clamping and Clampers!

On the one hand there are those who will insist in parking in places which cause traffic problems to other road users... and these inconsiderate motorists should be stopped.

On the other hand we have those who consider clamping to be a licence to print big money!

Are there other, more satisfactory, ways to sort out this problem? Ways which could help those motorists who perhaps just need one urgent item from a shop, without having to drive round and round to find a space to park, and ways which could stop this frustration leading to traffic chaos.

An equitable and just set of solutions needs to be found which would get rid of the need for injudicious clampers and their one-size-fits-all clamping theory.

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Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Car Industry Uncertainty... where does the future lie?

With Landrover and Jaguar for sale by Ford, where does the future of British luxury brands lie?

Were a mass-market brand like Ford, and specialist brands like Landrover and Jaguar, really suited in the first place?

Jaguar is a top of the range brand, the cars use more fuel... but is that a true reflection of their carbon footprint? Perhaps our esteemed politicians, and many pundits who like to grab a bandwagon might THINK a little deeper!

How about the carbon footprint costs of the actual physical production, plus design and testing of vehicles - how long is a vehicle's projected life?

When it comes to Landrover Defenders they have been in production since 1948 and I think I am right in stating that 70% of them are still being used today. Sturdy construction!

What about injury statistics for the different types of vehicle, and resultant hospital costs?

I imagine if luxury brands and 4x4's were judged on a fuller range of figures, rather than just on the amount of fuel they consume... then they would come out as the better bet as far as carbon footprints are concerned.

[Plus something no-one seems to take into consideration... fuel consumption depends upon the driver and the way they drive.]

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