
Driven to distraction?!? Drivers, Road Use, Driving... and other methods of getting from A to B... a general discussion on where the presumptions of so-called 'experts' are muddle-headed and just plain wrong!

Monday, 30 April 2007

Gas Drilling in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

It's not every day that there is a chance to make a real
difference in the fate of America's remaining wild lands.

The Bush Administration plans to radically escalate gas drilling
in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, one of America's
most important and spectacular wildlife habitats.

Fortunately we have until June 18 to weigh in on this plan and
secure safeguards for the wildlife and air quality. I took a
moment to send a message, and I hope you'll do the same. Simply
click the link below:

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Saturday, 28 April 2007

Traffic, traffic, and more traffic

Does it just appear that the more traffic our towns and cities have... the worse the standard of driving? Drivers appear to be becoming less and less courteous and as for obeying the law... what law? seems to be the general concensus.

From blatently ignoring red traffic lights, to at least doubling the speed limit in 30 mph areas... to completely disregarding the law which bans the use of in hand mobile phones - it all seems to be happening more and more frequently.

Those who disregard these laws do so in the knowledge that they stand a better chance of winning the lottery than getting caught and prosecuted for this law breaking.

Why is this happening? I know what I think!

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Tuesday, 24 April 2007

'Experts'... what do they actually KNOW?

Are all small cars fuel efficient?

Are all 4 x 4's gas guzzlers?

The 'experts' who set the levels of road fund licences seem to think so!

I've got news for them... they are wrong, wrong, WRONG!

It all depends on the driver for a first point... then there is age of vehicle, and quality of maintainance... plus there is the fact that 4 x 4's aren't built for high speed driving and cornering.

Boy racers in old, poorly maintained, small cars drive at excessive speed, treat chicanes like slalom courses whilst at least doubling the permitted speed limit... hang on to the gears, brake at the last minute, and generally use an excessive and unnecessary amount of fuel just by the WAY they drive.

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Sunday, 22 April 2007

Conservation issues, and communications towers

Just because we live outside London [yes, for those who live in the capital... there is life outside London] and actually need our own transport to get from A to B, it does not mean that we care less for the environment, in fact a great many of us know more about it, and care more for it, than the so-called experts who are all mouth, yet very little hands-on practical experience.

We won't go into lack of public transport here - maybe ONE bus per day, no trains, no taxis, no trams, no planes - yes, places like this do still exist, thank God!

We are not antisocial in our attitude to energy conservation, rather we have a more rounded view of what can, and should, be done to preserve, yet use, this beautiful country... and the world beyond it than ever a 'book-based' expert will ever learn.

This post is not about road-use... it is an 'import' from another blog about conservation issues... it starts within the quotes...

'"The quoted section below about communications towers is from the 'Defenders Organization' who do some brilliant work on trying to help with conservation issues... even if you come upon this post too late to take action on this particular crusade... you can find out about other issues by visiting the link below, and then clicking the link to their 'Home Page'.

"Did you know that millions of migratory birds die each year as they collide with communications towers? But these deaths can be reduced.

I just wrote to the Federal Communications Commission, urging them to do something about it. You can, too -- just go to this website to take action:

Towers & Birds

Between 5 million and 50 million birds are killed annually when they collide with communications towers and related structures such as the support wires. Around 230 bird species are affected -- over one-quarter of all bird species found in the United States -- including 52 species that are in decline, like the cerulean warbler, black rail, Bell's vireo, the golden-winged warbler, Swainson's warbler, Henslow's sparrow, Bachman's sparrow, and McCown's longspur.

The FCC has the power and the obligation to do something about it. Changes to the way communications structures are lit for safety can go a long way to preventing millions of bird deaths each year.

Write to the FCC today! Tell them to develop rules to help birds safely reach their destinations. But hurry -- the deadline for comments is Monday, April 23rd!"

Towers & Birds"'

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Friday, 20 April 2007

Health news

I have just received an e-mail from TheGoodLifeLetter. It is a free newsletter and one of my very favourites. If you click the above link you can sign up and see if you like it... I KNOW you will.

But, what this post is all about is the contents of that newsletter and the link it contained...

Do check this out now - only valid to 30th April...

'There is a crisis in health freedom. On April 30, 2007 the FDA will close the public comment period on a "Guidance" which will classify every alternative practice as medicine so that only licensed physicians can carry out the procedure AND vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc., will suddenly become "untested drugs" which will be forbidden.

Bad? Real Bad! But public outcry can stop this assault on your health and your freedom.

Spread the word! Tell everyone in your Circle of Influence, professionals, alternative practitioners, nutrient and herb companies, everyone! Let them know how important their participation is to make sure the FDA backs off from this repressive course.

Please share this link with them and urge them to take action:

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation'

Just one comment, in despair... How could this be even considered? [We know, all to well... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!] Alternative medicines have been around for thousands of years... it is these chemical and synthetic drugs which should be banned!

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Thursday, 19 April 2007


Before I put this through the shredder... just a couple of gems I had written down, I don't know when, or from whence they came!

First of the thoughts...

Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. Robert C. Gallagher

The author of the second of the thoughts is unknown [or so my note says]...

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.

This second thought might be useful whilst driving!

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Monday, 16 April 2007

The beauty of the opposite direction!

Now that we have a 4 x 4 we have to park in the opposite direction! That is, we have to back it in, so that the dog can jump in [the drive slopes upwards, so it's a lot lower for him to jump in that direction].

We won't get into the "too heavy to lift, and bad legs due to his past" story just here!

Parking in the opposite direction means that the 4 x 4 faces outwards towards the road... the beauty was that I saw a Red Kite fly over us and towards the town when we were about to set out on a shopping trip. So, this means that they are spreading out over more and more of the country!

They were once an extremely rare site... mostly seen in rural Wales, and well off the beaten track!

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Sunday, 15 April 2007

The Daffodil Principle...

No, this hasn't really got anything to do with road-use, traffic, or driving... directly! [Though there is some driving mentioned within the actual post.]

What this post is really about is 'The Daffodil Principle'... to find the blog post just Click Here. [The posting on the blog was dated Friday, April 13, 2007... and I know I feel extremely lucky to have read it!]

If you read below you will find the summary from the end of the post... but PLEASE don't miss the actual post, to read it is just such an uplifting experience... and the pictures are beautiful too!

"There is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching.

Wishing you a beautiful, daffodil day!

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

If you want to brighten someone's day, pass this on to someone special. I just did! "

This is the link... Click Here NOW. [Remember the posting on blog was dated Friday, April 13, 2007.]

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Saturday, 14 April 2007

Fuel Prices...

Did you catch the news that fuel prices are set to rise, ready for summer?

A rip off?

Never, they wouldn't!

You bet they would if they think it's possible, or likely, they can get away with it!

Your guess is as good as mine as to whether it will lead to more fuel price protests... but would it really be surprising?

Those in charge [of whatever industry] are always SO keen to put up the prices to cover increased costs... but like the gas suppliers, are not so keen to reduce the prices. And will they speak to the media when they have been caught out? You bet your life they won't!!!

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Monday, 9 April 2007

Holiday Break... Easter and the weather is FINE!

The roads have been jam packed since Thursday.

The weather forecast said it there would actually be 'FINE weather for the Bank Holiday'. It was also claimed that the weather here in the UK would be better than that on the Continent... therefore many people decided to holiday at home.

[Like many people, we don't think sitting in a traffic jam heading for the coast is a fun way to spend our time... so we always stay fairly local, if not at home, on bank holidays.]

But the roads, no matter how many they build, will not get any the less clogged... and why shouldn't people aspire to drive where they want? After all they work most of the year to keep the national and local governments in luxury!

So what will happen?... more taxes to keep the 'green' lobby happy... forget the fact that those same taxes NEVER do anything to solve the problem... they just swell the coffers of whoever is collecting them [be they local or national taxes].

Just one query, will they EVER realise that this country is vastly over-populated? Just think of the water shortages... demand is never associated with increased numbers of households requiring water, it is just the same old, same old, 'cut down your personal water consumption!'

Happy Easter motoring!

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Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Do the 'powers that be' REALLY know which mode of transport is most 'green'?

Is it REALLY 'green' for there to be buses riding round with only one passenger?

Is it REALLY 'green' for the government to charge extra duty on planes? Where does the money go to... only the amazingly naive think it will go into research on creating more fuel efficient planes!

And do the government have any idea which actual vehicles on the road are least 'green'? They pretend to know... and charge vehicle excise duty according to their own prejudices!

Have they any idea how fuel inefficient small old cars driven by 'boy racers' at at least twice the legal speed limit in built up areas are? ... using the council's own free, and absolutely brilliantly designed slalom courses [sorry, traffic calming schemes!]... yet they are classed as 'green'!

Trains... why do we see shrinking train sizes? Does it have ANYTHING remotely to do with the extortionate ticket prices? Ask for a ticket and what comes into YOUR mind... I know what I think. I always want to ask if that includes a share in the railway company!

More suggestions will be gratefully received!

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